What is the OSMTJ?

Who are we and what do we do?

The Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jerusalem (OSMTJ) is an autonomous international ecumenical Christian Order organized and operated under the Swiss Civil Code for Associations (Verein). The Order traces its heritage to the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, founded in Jerusalem circa 1118 A.D. and it supports many of the ideals embodied in the devotion and sacrifice of the knights of the original Order.  The present-day Order is self-governing, subject to no higher authority than obedience and devotion to Christian chivalric ideals and teachings of Jesus Christ, and to the promulgation and spread of those ideals and teachings throughout the world. The Order draws its power to govern from the consent of its members, its Christian strength from its religious patrons, and its chivalric authority from its royal patrons.

Its legal purposes include:

­­­­­­            a.  To provide an opportunity for the practice of ecumenical Christianity to support the precepts of Christian Chivalry and to investigate and emulate the historical ideals of the ancient Order.

            b.  To encourage and promote Christian humanitarian work and charity generally, and especially in support of oppressed Christian peoples in the Middle East.

            c.  To encourage all that makes for the spiritual and moral strengthening of humankind in accordance with the first great principle of the Order embodied in its motto: “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory.”

The Order is not organized to make a profit and no part of its net earnings Order inure to the benefit of any private individual. The Order is a fellowship of Christian men and women formed to plant and nurture Commanderies, Priories, and Grand Priories throughout the world to bring the words and works of Jesus Christ into the secular world by carrying out humanitarian works and deeds in order to heal the wounds and suffering of humanity. The Order does not influence legislation and does not participate in any campaign for or against political candidates.

The Order has no connection with Masonry or Free Masonry and the Order is not a secret society. Masons may join the Order if they profess a true belief in the supremacy of Jesus Christ. The Order’s activities are fully open to public inspection subject only to legal requirements to protect individual personal information.

The Order went silent in 1314 with the death of its Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, and was restored by His Imperial Majesty, Napoleon Bonaparte, by imperial decree in 1807.  In 1853, it was given recognition by Emperor Napoleon III.  In 1918, the Order was re-registered in France in accordance with French law.  On January 19th, 1932, it was registered in Brussels, Belgium, and re-registered in Namur, Belgium on November 15th, 1975.  The Grand Master of the Order currently is H.E. Brigadier General Ronald S. Mangum, United States Army (retired). Members, when invested, become members of a Christian network dedicated to humanity – and each member of the Order has the support of worldwide Templar brothers and sisters so that if a Knight or Dame should stumble, falls or fails in working toward accomplishing their goals, the Order’s members will pick them up and set them on the right path to continue a life of service to fulfill the commandments of Jesus Christ. The need for fellowship is echoed in the Bible: Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)and Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17).

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Frank DeBie