Category: Messages

  • OTJ – OSMTJ Monthly Devotion September 2024

    OPENING PRAYER In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. Gracious Lord, we live in a time of uncertainty and discord. Often we are afraid and don’t know who to trust or believe.  Give us the courage to risk sharing Your love with others anyway.  And please…


    ORACIÓN INICIAL En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.  Amén. Padre Celestial, hay algunas cosas que realmente no entendemos y las respuestas de las Escrituras son difíciles de escuchar. Cuando se nos pide que consumamos nuestro cuerpo y nuestra sangre, nos cuesta entender. Solo a través de tu Espíritu Santo…

  • OTJ – OSMTJ Monthly Devotion August 2024

    OPENING PRAYER In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. Heavenly Father, there are some things we don’t really understand and the answers in the scriptures are difficult to hear. When we are asked to consume your body and blood, we struggle to understand. Only through your…


    ORACIÓN INICIAL En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.  Amén. Querido Dios, muchas veces no estamos seguros de lo que tenemos que hacer para ser buenos discípulos. Nuestro deseo de hacer tu voluntad está siempre presente, pero nuestro conocimiento de las acciones que requieres de nosotros a veces no está…


    OPENING PRAYER In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. Dear God,  many times we aren’t sure what we need to do to be good disciples. Our desire to do your will is ever-present but our knowledge of the actions you require of us are sometimes unclear.…


    ORACION INICIAL En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. Querido Dios, hoy venimos a Ti confesando que frecuentemente sufrimos con miedo y desesperación sobre cosas que no podemos controlar. Recurrimos a Ti sólo como último recurso, olvidando que Tú nos has invitado a confiar en Ti y pedirte cualquier…


    OPENING PRAYER In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. Dear God,  we come to You today confessing that we frequently suffer with fear and desperation  over things that we cannot control. We turn to You only as a last resort, forgetting that You have invited us…


    OPENING PRAYER  In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  Almighty God of love and compassion,  we come to You today with inexpressible   gratitude for the love You have bestowed on us. We are not worthy of that gift and   have difficulty accepting it. Knowing that You…


    ORACIÓN INICIAL En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. Dios todopoderoso de amor y compasión, hoy venimos a Ti con inexpresable gratitud por el amor que nos has dado. No somos dignos de ese regalo y nos cuesta aceptarlo. Saber que nos amaste tanto que nos diste a tu…


    OTJ – OSMTJ MONTHLY DEVOTIONAL April 2024               OPENING PRAYER In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  Almighty God, we come to You today filled with praise and adoration for the life-saving gift of the resurrection. Help us to grow…

  • His Majesty The King

    L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem15106 Pleasant Valley RoadWoodstock, Illinois 60098 U.S.A. 6 February 2024 His Majesty The KingBuckingham PalaceLondon SW1A 1AA   Sir,  You may recall that I wrote to you on the sad occasion of your beloved mother’s death in September 2022 and that we share the same birthday, 14 November.  Consequently, I am deeply concerned…

  • International Newsletter, December 2023

    The latest updates, communicating the International OSMTJ news for December 2023 to the Grand Priories. The Newsletter links for the FlipBook files are below. English French Spanish

  • Announcement: Official Ring of the Order

    Announcement: The Official Ring of our Order was launched this past weekend at National Conclave in Miami! The ring is available in Silver and Gold and it’s available to members of our Order! Get yours here: (site registration required.)

  • The Name of the Order: L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem

    20 May 2023 The Name L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem Many Templars have asked why we have changed the name of the Order. We have not changed the name of the Order; we have simply registered it under its historical provenance. The name, Sovereign and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTJ) and its…

  • International Registration of OTJ, Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem in Belgium

    2023.5.8 International Order Registration of OTJ, Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem in Belgium  Brothers and Sisters of our noble Order.  The Order of the Temple was founded in Jerusalem in A.D. 1118 by 9 French knights under the mastership of Hugues de Payens. It has been known by a variety of names over the centuries,…

  • 2024 Holy Land Pilgrimage!

    NOVEMBER 3RD–10TH, 2024 We are inviting Templars to join us in a gathering in the Holy Land in 2024! This is a specially curated tour designed specifically for the the OSMTJ Knights Templar to visit both the premier Christian sites of the Holy Land, as well as historical Templar and Crusader sites. Space is limited!…

  • New Grand Priory of Ukraine!

    We are happy to announce that the Grand Priory of Ukraine has joined the OSMTJ under H.E. Col. Mykola Sergiienko. We welcome our esteemed brethren, and may their noble pursuit of the chivalric and honorable values of the Knights Templar guide them to glory. Grand Priory of Ukraine Facebook Page.

  • The Passing of H. E. Prof. Nicolas Haimovici Hastier, MD, PhD.

    It is with terrible sadness that we must report the passing of our former leader, H.E. Nicolas Haimovici Hastier, Guardian of Templar Faith and President of the Council of Regency of the OSMTJ for over twenty years. We are so thankful for his many years of service, leadership, example, integrity, and friendship that he demonstrated,…

  • Agreement of Mutual Recognition and Friendship signed with OSTI

    Today 2/19/2023, we are proud announce a Mutual Recognition and Friendship Agreement with OSTI – Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique, a Templar Order that was founded in 1988 by Raymond Bernard, a man with multiple Templar pedigrees, including the OSMTJ, to which he was initiated in the 1960s. While we recognize that OSTI and the…

  • International Newsletter, December 2022!

    The latest updates, communicating the International OSMTJ news to the Grand Priories. English Spanish French

  • Consolidation into New Grand Priory – Benelux

    “Benelux” is a consolidation of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg Noble Grand Priors and Grand Officers of OSMTJ, Our international conclave and Grand Magistral Council meeting was a resounding success and I will provide wrap up notes in a few days, but first I need to take one action that should have been taken at the…

  • The Passing of H.E. Grand Master Michel Vanderstock

    We, the OSMTJ under H.E. Grand Master Ronald S. Mangum extend our sincere condolences to the family, friends, and Templars under Grand Master Michel Vanderstock. Vanderstock was designated Seneschal and Chancellor of the OSMTJ under our former Grand Master Georges Lamirand, and was a central figure in the administration of the Order both before and…

  • Knights Templar Grand Priory of America (KTGPA) 2022 National Convent A Success!

    The Knights Templar Grand Priory of America (KTPGA), which is the OSMTJ-USA Grand Priory, had their annual National event in the vicinity of the nation’s capital, Washington, DC, in Woodbridge, VA. The event was attended by dozens of knights and their guests from across the United States. Also attending were three International Magistral Officers, including…

  • A Letter from Grand Master Mangum to H.R.H. King Charles III

    Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jerusalem Office of the Grand Master 5 October 2022 His Majesty The King Buckingham Palace LONDON SW1A 1AA Your Majesty,  I write to you in my capacity as Grand Master of the Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem (The Sovereign and Military Order of the…

  • International Newsletter, September 2022!

    There have been some exciting happenings in the past few months in the OSMTJ. Numerous charity projects and additional National Entities have been added! To submit a story to the International Newsletter, please contact International Editor Paul Burrows. English Spanish French

  • A Statement from the Grand Master Regarding the Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • Update on International Convent in Tomar, Portugal 2022

    Tomar OSMTJ International Convent 21-22 October 2022 Tomar, Portugal Total cost (less tranporation to Portugal) = 475€ inculding hotel, transporation and breakfast & lunch daily Total cost (less transportation to Portugal and return) = 475€ including hotel, transportation and breakfast & lunch daily 21 October  Arrive: transportation provided from Lisbon airport to Tomar  Diner in…

  • Investiture of Colombia and Peru – August 2022

    Grand Prior Kris Rey Sanchez of Peru and Grand Prior Javier Gamez Vizcaino of Colombia have come together for a joint investiture to bestow the accolade on several new Knights. The unity and joy of the Ibero-American Assembly is apparent and their leadership is a model for all the Templar world. Please congratulate and pray…

  • Grand Priory of Portugal Provides School Supplies for Needy Children

    The Grand Prior of Portugal, lead by H.E. Grand Prior Luciano Fernandes recently provided a local school and needy students with books, study manuals as well as pencils, pens and painting materials. The joy and gratitude from the students was very apparent. Thank you, Grand Prior for showing the love of God in the battle…

  • Welcome the New Grand Priory of Georgia!

    Today we are welcoming the new Grand Priory for the noble nation of Georgia. Grand Prior, H.E. Levan Chkheidze has ascended to the high office. Let all the Knights and Dames of the Order extend their warmest sentiments of brotherhood and good will to our newest member of the International community. May you lead with…

  • Recognizing a New International Priory For Those Without a National Body

    Today we are recognizing H.E. Prior Alan Scarlett as International Prior! Prior Alan has been working diligently for years as the leader and mentor for those who apply to the Order in countries for which no National entity currently exists. He then assists in the growth, education and participation for those who would otherwise be…

  • International Convent in Tomar, Portugal – 2022

    We are proud to announce that our Grand Prior of Portugal, H.E. Luciano Fernandes will be hosting an International Convent October 21-23, 2022 in Tomar, Portugal. All Knights and Dames of the Order who are able to attend are encouraged to do so. Special events will surround the Templar gathering in this historic city of…

  • Grand Priory of Germany Supports Welfare of Children

    The German Grand Priory of OSMTJ has made child care and child protection a main subject of its charity work. A special focus is on disabled children as well as on disabled adults. The German Grand Prior Martin Watzlawik has decided to introduce the title “Knight of Hearts” with which disabled persons are to be…

  • Commandery of the Philippines Charitable Action

    The Commandery of the Philippines is doing God’s work as Templars, gift giving and Charity works for the 70 beneficiaries of children with special needs (SPED) at Central School, Oriental Mindoro. Together with the hand and hand support coming from the AFP, San Teodoro MPS, 4th PLTN-1PMFC, and aspirants of TFOE-PE. Hebrews 13:16 “And do…

  • USA Annual National Conclave

    The United States Grand Priory, the Grand Priory of the Military Temple of Jerusalem (GPMTJ) will be holding its annual Conclave in Woodbridge, VA this year on October 7-8, 2022. All Templars from around the world are invited, if they are able to attend. Here are the details:

  • Invitation to the Monastery of St. Bernard of Clairvaux

    For those who missed it, just a reminder that our new chaplain for the Santa Barbara Commandery in Florida gave a presentation at our Priory Round Table on the Ancient Spanish Monastery in Miami. Father Mansfield, the Rector of the Monastery is a member of the Order. The Monastery, built in 1133 AD in Spain,…

  • Debate Challenge to Luis Martinez

    The day before yesterday, June 28, 2022, Luis Martinez issued an open letter to all Templars of the OSMTJ, asserting his sole legitimacy as Grandmaster through a false and illegitimate election, and laced each paragraph of the letter with provable untruths. In response to this, it seems best to present all of the evidence of…

  • Ukraine Aid Request

    Our royal Patron H.R.H. Prince Krzysztof Radziwill and Grand Prior of Poland politely ask you for any assistance you are able to provide to the struggling people of Ukraine. As a close neighbor of Ukraine, Poland will serve as our service point to those brothers in Ukraine. Update: The USA Grand Priory has completed a…

  • Response to the False Election of Luis Martinez for Grandmaster and the Expulsion of Timothy Bryant Jones

    Bryant Jones has now been expelled from four different Templar branches. Timothy Bryant Jones Expelled by Ronald Mangum. Timothy Bryant Jones expelled under Michel Vanderstock Pt.1 Timothy Bryant Jones Expelled under Romolo. Timothy Bryant Jones expelled under Michel Vanderstock Pt. 2 Below is the response from the only legitimate Grandmaster of the OSMTJ, Ronald S.…

  • Statement by the Magistral Council regarding Timothy Bryant Jones

    A Statement by the Magisterial Council                                                                            3/24/2022 We, the Magisterial Council of the Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem (OSMTJ), feeling compelled to respond to a recent, unrelenting campaign of disorder, make the following statement: We accept the results of the election for Grandmaster held on January 2, 2020, with BG…

  • Easter Message from the Grand Master

    4/13/22 What does it mean to be a Christian chivalric Order? We are a Christian chivalric Order because we come together to spread the words and deeds of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our strength comes from supporting one another to fulfill the mission Christ has given us of planting Christian entities, especially in those parts…

  • A Thank You from Pakistan to the Grandmaster

    Commander Mahmood of Pakistan would like to extend his deepest gratitude to the Grandmaster, Ronald S. Mangum for sending $350 of his personal funds to support the charitable efforts that are ongoing in Pakistan. For more about the tremendous, community-changing efforts of Commander Mahmood in Pakistan, go here. Commander Mahmood would like to further extend…

  • Old Website Hijacked

    The astute observer will have noticed that we have formed a new International website. This is due to a coup against the Grandmaster by an expelled member. This effects the websites osmtj dot net, our International site and theknightstemplar dot org, the USA Grand Priory page and templarlibrary dot org . Needless to say, the…

  • Investiture of the Grand Priory of Poland

    November 28, 2021 – The Grand Priory of Poland is growing! Thanks to the Grand Prior and all those who helped make it a success.

  • Templar Succession: 1307-Present, A New Book from the Grand Historian

    Templar Succession: Establishing Continuity 1307-Present “This is the most thorough and revealing research on the Templars that I have read in twenty years. There are dozens of “Templar” books, most of which are based on supposition or outright fabrication, but Dan Clausen has conducted meticulously accurate research that shatters many of the myths and supports…

  • Larmenius Charter Ceremonially Signed

    Larmenius Charter Ceremonially Signed On October, 2, 2021, at the International Conclave of the OSMTJ, Grandmaster Ronald S. Mangum ceremonially signed a copy of the Larmenius Charter for the first time in over 200 years. Signed in English, French, Spanish, and the Templar cipher, this copy of the Charter is now being housed with the Templar…

  • From the Grandmaster regarding Grand Priory Crosses

    To our noble Grand Priors, My lovely wife recently told me about a wealthy South Korean Christian businessman who wanted to display his faith in Christ and his belief in the power of salvation through hard work. In the Korean markets work porters who carry goods from one stall to another in wooden hand carts.…

  • International Convent 2021

    We welcome you to join the International Community of OSMTJ Templars this October! 2021 International Convent                         Castle Otttis, 103rd 3rd St                                         St, Augustine, FL  32084 October 1-3, 2021 AIRLINES                       Airline name                        Distance   Time                               Directions Orlando International Airport                     129 miles          2 hr                        417N toll rd to 95N to FL-207N (exit 311) follow…

  • What is the OSMTJ?

    Who are we and what do we do? The Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jerusalem (OSMTJ) is an autonomous international ecumenical Christian Order organized and operated under the Swiss Civil Code for Associations (Verein). The Order traces its heritage to the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, founded in Jerusalem circa 1118 A.D.…

  • Mutual Recognition Agreement OSMTJ – 1804

    A Historic Agreement Between two Templar groups. The following documents are a historic Accord of Friendship between the OSMTJ International and the OSMTJ 1804 based in Italy.   While there still exist many small Templar groups, by working together, the Templars can accomplish more while promoting the eventual goal of unity. 

  • Greetings from Royal Patron Barationi

    House of Bagrationi of Imereti House of Bagrationi of Imereti   26 January 2021   Dear Ronald, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! I wish success and development to you and the Order in this New year.Best regards, your Prince Irakli Bagrationi. ძვირფასო რონალდ,გილოცავთ ახალ წელს და გილოცავთ შობას!წარმატებებს და განვითარებას ვუსურვებ თქვენ და ორდენს ახალ წელს.პატივისცემით,…

  • Christian Charity, the Duty of Every Templar

    Templars are at work doing good across the globe. As Templars, providing for the needs of others in Jesus’ name is a paramount part of, not only our mission, but the calling of Christ placed on our lives. Therefore, as charitable activities unfold across our international order, we will post them here – not because…

  • Communique of the Grandmaster

    2020.8.18 New Member Numbers Dear Grand Priors and National Entity Chiefs: Under the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ, our noble Order continues to grow and prosper and that requires maintaining organized procedures. We will re-institute a procedure that was followed up until the Fontes era – individual membership numbers that are held in a…

  • Communique of the Grandmaster

    Potential Anti-Christian Events in the Middle East – 2020.7.14 Dear brothers and sisters knights and dames of the Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jerusalem, Two recent attacks on Christianity by governments in the Middle East have come to our attention. First, the statement by the President of the Republic of Turkey to allow…

  • Communique from the Grandmaster

    Forward Look – 6.25.2020 Dear Noble Grand Priors, One of your compatriots asked about my plans for the growth of our Order and I thought that it is a good time to update my current and future priorities. We continue to grow; now we can count 36 national entities in the Order. As you know,…

  • Communique from the Grandmaster

    6.18.2020 Dear noble Grand Priors, I wish you all health and prosperity in these troubled times. I am sorry for my recent silence; I have had minor eye surgery that has hampered my activity – but that will pass. I have two items to address to you. First we are up to thirty-two national entities…

  • Communique of the Grandmaster

    Science and Religion – 7.5.2020 Often, we think of Science and Religion as separate and competing concepts. Below is an excerpt of an interview with the chief U.S. scientist who is dealing with the current coronavirus crisis. He is a practicing Christian who clearly justifies his belief in GOD. Ronald Mangum, Master Excerpt from an…

  • Recognition & Encouragement from Grand Master Albino Neves

    Working to create bridges and cooperation in the Templar world. Dear Templar Brothers and Sisters,I have promised to establish bridges to the Other Templar obediences, and I have just received the following message from Brother Dom Albino Neves, the Master of the OSMTHMM. I look forward to working with Dom Albino to make our Order…

  • Grandmaster Addresses the Order

    Join Us For Round Table Tonight 9pm E.S.T. / 2am greenwich mean time! Tonight’s Round Table Discussion features our Master of the Order General Ronald Mangum who will talk about the plans and goals for the future of our Order.Voice Chat Live With Templars Every Thursday 9pm EST/ 2am greenwich mean time. ———————— Español —————–…

  • Decree to Return to Christ

    In September of 2018 a new “Declaration of Faith” was presented to the Order as a whole by the sitting Regent of the Order. While this document contained many much-needed clarifications on our code it also proposed two new directions that caused some concern. Firstly, that the OSMTJ would no longer be a religious order…

  • Two New Grand Priories!

    The OSMTJ is growing under the leadership of Grandmaster Mangum. 2020.1.14 Dear Templar Brothers and Sisters , As we continue to grow, I am pleased to announce two more new Grand Priories:  1) The Grand Priory of Monaco, under Grand Prior Dominizio Cipriani 2) The Grand Priory of Italy, under Grand Prior Edgardo Marziani. We…

  • New Grandmaster Elected!

    From ancient times, the Templars have the right to choose their own Master by the votes of the majority. A Majority of the most senior Grand Priors have called for this election legitimizing our right to finally choose our own Master of the Order. By its very definition, a “Regent” is the temporary leader of…

  • Cultural Exchange Agreement – OSMTJ – OSMTHU

    Groundbreaking agreement signed between OSMTJ & OSMTHU A groundbreaking agreement was signed between the OSMTJ and the OSMTHU, two of the leading branches of the Templar Order whose most modern institution dates back from over 200 years ago. In a notably fragmented movement, with many small groups of undetermined origin and frequent divisions in the…

  • International Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia

    In June, the OSMTJ held a successful and productive Meeting in the Capital, Zagreb, Croatia Many important topics were discussed including: Groundbreaking agreements between the OSMTJ & OSMTHU The future of the Order The Magisterial Council The Statutes Our mission and values. Please enjoy pictures from the OSMTJ annual meeting below:

  • Message from the Regent – Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral

    In Nice, France, on April 22nd, 2019. A Message to All Templar Knights & Dames        Six days ago, in a troubled France, I heard a terrible cry: “The Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris is in flames!” It was for me, born in Paris, a frequent visual witness of this architectural splendor which provides…

  • New Deputy Regent

    The Regent Nicolas Haimovici Hastier has selected Ronald S. Mangum as Deputy Regent. Deputy Regent General Ronald Mangum CONGRATULATIONS ON THE APPOINTMENT OF THE NEW DEPUTY REGENT OF THE OSMTJ, GEN. RON MANGUM: “There appears to be a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding over recent events in our Order. Our Regent, Dr. Hastier, has…

  • 2016 OSMTJ International Conclave

    November 2015 – The OSMTJ International Conclave will meet for a long weekend, Friday – Sunday, in Torres, Brazil.  Right on the beach, Torres is incredibly beautiful with many things to do for those that want to extend their stay into a vacation:

  • Grand Priory of Scotland, Festival of St. Andrew’s & International Convention (Nov. 27th-29th 2015) 

    O.S.M.T.J. GRAND PRIORY OF SCOTLAND (Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem) Dear Members of Chivalry,Announcing an International St Andrews Convention in Scotland on November 28th, 2015.–Location: Beautiful Dundee, Scotland. Haven’t been Knighted yet? Why not do it in a 14th centuary Scottish Castle!–Location: Balgonie Castle FifeAccommodation To Be ArrangedFormal Dinner Location: In the Grand…

  • Investiture at Fortress by the Sea

    The Investiture for Florida will take place Saturday February 28, 2015 at 3:30PM at Castle OTTTIS just north of St Augustine, Florida. The Castle and Abbey is a reproduction of a 1000 year old Castle in Ireland. A few slots are still available. The Cost is 125.00 per Aspirant. Each Knight will receive the Accolade, Communion,…

  • International OSMTJ Conclave – Italy 2014

    ANNOUNCEMENT:  Our Regent has set the next OSMTJ International Conclave to meet in Faicchio, Italy in October, 2014 (Faicchio is a commune (municipality) in the Province of Benevento).  All are invited and we ask that you simply email if you intend to come so we can send a final count. If you want to be knighted, please let…

  • 2013 Conclave, Brussels, Belgium

    ANNOUNCEMENT from Our Regent: You are all invited to a special OSMTJ Conclave in Brussels, Belgium, Friday, July 25th at 5pm,  and Saturday July 26th at 11am.  If  you are interested in coming, please send an email to so we can send a count.  If you want to be knighted, please let us know by…