Nicolas Hastier Letter to Ronald Mangum (Text Version)

From: Nicolas HASTIER <>
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 9:58 AM
Subject: Letter to the Templaars.
To: Ronald Mangum <>

Your Excellency. My dear friend Ron!                                                        

I presume that this letter can be for help for you, who are living nearer to Bryant Jones, as I live! Therefor I send you directly, personnaly the present text! I think it went recently out following some suggestions and send it to all the Grand Priories! It is time for reflection concerning the problem of the “unity” of Templar branches! There is material for revision, thoughts… and dreams! Very sincerely, your faithful  

Nicolas H.


Dear Knights and Dame Templars
    I remember with nostalgia the years when I had your trust, sometimes even your friendship or even your love; years during which we have worked, discussed, debated together, in perfect harmony, the welfare of the Order of the Temple!     These were fruitful, productive years, rich in facts and feelings! These memories are what give me the courage to address this letter to all of you, my comrades past and present. Likewise in meetings in various countries or even in Nice on the occasion of the “Templar Convents” or even in my home! They were magnificent moments of Templar fraternity, they were unforgettable moments of fraternity, of Templarism, of progression.                   

  Unfortunately ; as in each organization of this kind, some people with inflated egos, created troubles wanting to be upgraded besides my decision which could be, even promoted quickly without enough knowledge of their personality or their past activities! I don’t usually divulge the names of these people but the time has come to cite a case. It is a typical case: his actings could menace the unity of the OSMTH! It’s about an American Templar, Tymoty Bryant Jones, who brought the greatest harm to the Order, by carrying out destructive action on New Year’s Eve 2019/2020! I present him to you in order to protect you from the risk of meeting him, believing him and acting in his wake! It’s about the person named Timothy Bryan Jones! I remember that Bryant Jones had contacted me by phone and letters since 2016 4,but I had not thought for a moment that I was dealing with such a character: liar, fake, with a borderline psyche. Paranoia! This individual, having waited for a favorable moment for an action putting him in a dominant position, materialized his action on December 31, 2019 and January 2020.     It was only with difficulty that a small group of faithful Templars succeeded in saving our Organization. We are being rebuilt and can proudly name 3 new Priories! At the same time, Bryant Jones’ organization split into two and went through many operational difficulties. A new attempt at “legalization” of Bryant Jones positioning as head of the OSMTJ takes actually place through an  essai to valority his own personnalité, his history, his actions and , réalisations! The contribution of Luis de Matos from Portugal, to help an declared ennemi of the OSMTJ to be elected as Grand Prior hurts me severly!
    Luis de Matos was considered to be a friend of OSMTJ: his action hurt me very severily! SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI
    The OSMTJ, “Sovereign and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem” has its own personality, history and facts and achievements! ,     I repeated a thousand times that attempts to conquer power by force and/or occult maneuvers can lead nowhere. coming to nothing; because what we represent, created by Admiral Zdrojevsky, Minister Lamirant and Mr/Alfred Zappelli cannot be imitated or repeated in a certain historical period other than that which is to be considered the authentic period! To you, my Templar Brothers and Sisters, my wishes for well-being, success in all that you undertake, and above all good health.                                   

  All best, for you! ,May God, our divine Father , bless and protect you  and your families.!

Prof. Dr. Nicolas HaimoviciHastier
Président du Conseil de Régence OSMTJ