Tag: Grand Priory

  • Grand Priory of Canada Knighting

    Grand Priory of Canada Knighting Ceremony 2023 At 10 AM EST on July 15th at Legacy Church (formerly POEMA Church in Hamilton, Ontario), the Grand Priory of Canada held a Knighting Ceremony for Steven Arsenio, Elia Sybydlo and Stan Burgstaler (posthumously ordained). The Knighting Ceremony is also honored in remembrance of one of our fallen…

  • Investiture of Colombia and Peru – August 2022

    Grand Prior Kris Rey Sanchez of Peru and Grand Prior Javier Gamez Vizcaino of Colombia have come together for a joint investiture to bestow the accolade on several new Knights. The unity and joy of the Ibero-American Assembly is apparent and their leadership is a model for all the Templar world. Please congratulate and pray…

  • USA Annual National Conclave

    The United States Grand Priory, the Grand Priory of the Military Temple of Jerusalem (GPMTJ) will be holding its annual Conclave in Woodbridge, VA this year on October 7-8, 2022. All Templars from around the world are invited, if they are able to attend. Here are the details: