Projects and Ministries

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  • Knights Templar College: A full service series of courses covering the history, organizational structure, virtues and spiritual development of the Order. Produced and ran by the Grand Priory of the United States (KTGPA).
  • The Templar Digital Research Library: Formerly hosted at (outdated), now greatly expanded and housed at as the Templar Archives at the bottom of the Main Page. Featuring thousands of pages of official Order documents, and tens of thousands more in books, research papers, and more. Access is available for the Open Archive, and by permission for the Exclusive Archive.
  • World Wide Templar Radio: This channel of Templar Radio broadcasts in English, with Templar Virtues, Crusades & Templar History, Bible Study w/dramatized Bible, Sermons on topics of interest, Music, News, Old Time Radio, Features and specialized broadcasts each and every week. This service is provided by the Grand Priory of the United States and operated by Sir Richard Ainsworth.
  • Templar Net Ham Radio: A network of licensed ham radio operators spanning the USA. The purpose is to create an alternative framework that can also be leveraged to serve our Priories, the US Grand Priory, and our local communities during times of emergency entailing the loss of communication or power infrastructure due to natural or human-caused disasters. When all else fails – Ham Radio gets through.
  • Ukraine War Relief:  Organized by our Grand Prior of Poland in conjunction with our Royal Patron, H.R.H. Prince Krzysztof Radziwill.
  • Silent Knight Program: A program based on a book by Templar brother Col. (Ret.) Craig Carlson, USA, GMTJ, GCTJ, KSG of anonymous charitable works and good deeds. An official OSMTJ endorsed program that spans multiple Templar branches. The Silent Knight program described in the book can be performed as an individual or as a group.  Individuals decide when, who to aide, and how much to give. Silent Knight groups normally meet once a month, nominate charitable acts in their community and take up a “blind” collection (donations that only the individual giving knows how much) to meet the specific needs nominated.  All (100%) of the funds collected for Silent Knight go to the charitable efforts of the individual Silent Knight or the group’s nominated efforts.
  • Pakistan Aid and Revival: Supported by the International Order, Commander Mahmood of Pakistan is working to change the fortunes of Pakistani Christians. Providing school materials for children, job training for women, and providing economic opportunities for men, the goal is to overcome the systemic persecution of Christians through education and kindness.
  • Grand Priory of Colombia Humanitarian Social Programme: The Priory developed its “Humanitarian Social Programme” in 2015 and is focused on practical social actions in the township of “Ciudad Bolívar” in the city of Bogotá, the most deprived community in Colombia. The Priory’s activities seek to protect the most vulnerable within the community, providing help with the daily food and medical requirements of families most in need. The Priory is “At the service of society”, defending traditional family values, seeking justice for the disadvantaged and providing spiritual support during the most difficult circumstance
  • OSMTJ Principality of Monaco supports Amade Mondiale: Partnering for the protection & development of children in need or at risk, the Monaco Order Grand Prieur, Domizio Cipriani and its Members support Amade Mondiale in their good works with donations, other fund raising activities and all royalties from Domizio’s published book sales. Caroline, Princess of Hanover is the President of Amade Mondiale, its programs focus on the protection, education and health of children in need and at risk around the world.  Fighting against abuse, sexual violence, improving access to secondary education, creating awareness of neglected diseases and aiding unaccompanied refugee children.
  • Grand Priory of Canada – Support Programme for the Homeless: The Grand Priory of Canada provide meals to the homeless, twice weekly, on Wednesdays and on Sundays after Church service – over 5000 meals each year. They also provide clothing, items of personal hygiene and other essentials. As importantly, they give those in sometimes desperate need someone they can talk with or just be listened to. Wherever possible and when appropriate, they also provide guidance to help those individuals improve their circumstances.
  • Grand Priory of Belgium – Supports Plan International: Partnering in their Fight Against Child Poverty, Injustice and Inequality, Grand Priory of Belgium permanently supports Plan International and Plan Belgium in particular. The Priory has also ‘adopted’ two children in Asia and Africa, to help provide them with a better future. Plan International provides assistance in more than 50 of the most vulnerable countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. They seek to give children the opportunity to change their living environment and claim their rights. In Belgium they raise awareness among the general public, raise funds and put children’s rights on the agenda of schools, media and politicians. Plan International works continuously to ensure that underprivileged children get a good start in life. Their aims are: the organization and development of high-quality education, the provision of medical assistance, the protection against abuse and violence, the provision and expansion of drinking water and sanitation, the promotion of sexual health and the prevention of HIV / AIDS.  Attempts are also made to give young people a say in taking vital decisions such as marriage.
  • Grand Priory of Germany Supports Child Welfare – The German Grand Priory has made child care and child protection a main subject of its charity work. A special focus is on disabled children as well as on disabled adults.
  • Knights Templar Foundation – Our mission at Knights Templar Foundation is to share the love and message of Jesus Christ with our community and the world and to make disciples who will follow Him. We offer a FREE Church Safety program to qualified houses of worship and qualified religious institutions worldwide. You can donate to Knights Templar Foundation online through our website, or in person during our services. Your donations help us continue to serve and minister to our community. Donation can be made for this foundation at the following: Knights Templar Foundation Donations

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